Sustainable Food Consumption, how can we part of the Solution?
Sustainable Food Consumption is one specific sub-section of Sustainable Development that faces the issue of a growing population without an equally growing food source. On a global scale, starvation is the only options for millions, if it has not already reached into the billion mark of people, yet in other countries, food is waisted by the tons. In 2008, studies showed that enough food was being produced to feed the popultaion. However, in amongst production, packaging, delivery, selling and movement into households, roughly around one third of usable, perfectly adequate food was being wasted. On top of this, water usage must also be considered. Water, being a resource that is just as precio us as food, is also facing major wastage statistics. In developing countires, 70% of industrial waste is dumped into water courses, creating a large amount of unsafe, undrinkable water.
So, with these facts in mind, and the statistic that 400 million children do not have access to safe water, how do we create a solution?
The first, obvious step is recognition. We, as a society on a global scale need to recognise and acknowledge the issue we have before us. Political leaders need to step up to the plate, the global community needs to rise to the challenge.
Apart from the first action, we have no solution. It is down to us to make a movement so that there is a way to fix the issue, before global populations grow beyond the point that we can no longer do something.
How can we be part of the solution? Make noise, promote awareness, encourage others to join until recognition, acknowledgment and a solution are no longer ideas, but real.
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